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What a Time We’ve Had!

 Saturday, November 5, 2011





Well I’ve held off on writing this particular blog for a few weeks now. I’ve just wanted to settle in my mind and heart what exactly I wanted to say. Those that know me know I’m a talker and a lot of times I say lots of things without saying really too much of anything. Sometimes though wisdom will shine through and something will pop out that just makes sense. I hope today is one of those days Smile

Bruce and I are moving to St. Louis. Now when he came home and told me he had put in for a job with the Coast Guard…well I got excited. The word Coast, translated in Missyeze screamed BEACH! But when he said it was in Missouri….well let’s just say the excitement waned quite a bit. It even took a day or so for me to even mention it in prayer.  In my mind a new adventure was warmer climate, I don’t know maybe South FL, or even South Texas.  I was even up for a tropical island of some sort… SOMEWHERE WARMER!!

But let me tell you how this whole thing got started…..

When Bruce and I stepped down from ministry about a year ago, we both felt like this time, this chapter was coming to a close. We both – through prayer—felt like what we had been sent here to do had been accomplished. There were some things that were shown to us that really just affirmed that, so Bruce began putting in for other jobs in other regions. He put in for jobs in areas he knew that I would like such as Orlando and San Antonio; you know southern regions. But God CLEARLY said “NO” to those areas. I’m not sure what God has against San Antonio….

So after a while of not getting “any bites” on jobs, we had settled it in our hearts that if God wanted us to stay we were fine with that decision, but asked that He make it clear what to do and where to go. We definitely do not want to walk out of the will of God. Then Bruce gets a call for St. Louis. One that wasn’t on my radar. The interview was written for him. The job was written for Bruce’s best skill set. He’s a remarkable man with remarkable qualities, and this job seemed to fit exactly his best qualities. First interview went amazing. The second better than the first. He seemed to really hit it off with the commander so it didn’t surprise me at all when the offer came in.

So that is where this began. In prayer over a year ago. Since many people did not know this was a point of our prayer, it came as a surprise to many. Now this is where moving gets tough. We have no blood family in this area. Bruce nor I are from here. Our children have grown and moved to different states. We do, however, have friends here that have become our family. Those are the ones I try not to think about as another box gets packed. Those are the ones that are forever imprinted on my heart. They are the ones who have help mold me to who I am. They are the ones who I have taught and mentored. They are the unseen prayer warriors that never let a day go by without lifting us up in prayer. The ones who love me no matter what. They are the ones I’ve walked side-by-side with in ministry – the good side and the bad side. They are the ones that I have walked through the valley with, held their hand and cried with. The ones who are most likely crying right now. My heart has been forever changed by some great people. But now because my journey with God isn’t over….I must move on.

For whatever reason God chose St. Louis (still not sure why He chose there)….that is where I’m headed. What I do know that whatever the reason – and there is a reason – He has a plan for us. We are stepping out completely on faith, knowing that the next step will be there.

While I am completely undone with the thought of leaving behind all I’ve known for 20 years and most of all, all the people I have loved for a good part of those years, my heart is kind of excited for a new venture with Him. Because of all the things I’ve wanted and all the things I’ve done – I want the Father more than anything and I’m willing to follow Him anywhere – even to the frozen tundra. Knowing that the people I love will always be there…those friends who have become family will always be family. They will always hold a piece of my heart.

Sheri Richardson – I know you are reading this. I know this because you always read my nonsense.  You encourage me when I don’t see anything in me to encourage.  You are my number one cheerleader!   You my sister will ALWAYS be my sister. Our beach trips won’t change in the sense of going…but will be ever more special. You my friend is the hardest one to leave even if you don’t think so. You have touched my life in ways unspoken. The bond between us will never be broken. (Did you notice that little rhyme there?? Did that just for you! It’s a crying shame I can’t think of another line) I simply cannot put into words how I feel….

There are numerous people that I love in this area and that I may not get to say “good-bye” to. If you are one of them, know that I love you with all my heart.

What a time we’ve had here. The people we’ve met, the places we’ve been, the times we’ve shared. How grateful we are that God brought us here and our paths have crossed. How grateful we are for the times we’ve spent with the people we’ve met. …even if it were for a minute, and hour, or years….we are grateful for every moment of it! We both have grown and changed and been molded in this very place closer to the image of God. And it’s because of you! Huntsville will most likely always be home. I can’t say that for sure since I don’t have the mind of God and I know His word says in James 13 Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” 14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. 15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” 16 Otherwise you are boasting about your own plans, and all such boasting is evil.

That my friends is what I believe we are doing….simply following Him. With my heart attached to Christ’s I go…knowing that I will see you again.

With tears in my eyes, and gratitude in my heart….

I just want to be found
Sitting in obedience at His Feet.



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